We offer a complete system of products that work together to support optimum grow-out, enrichment, gut-loading, and productivity.

In contrast to traditional practice, we produce only whole-cell, whole food microalgae feeds and enrichment products from marine algae using proprietary processes. Maximum rotifer nutrition is achieved because all biomass is from microalgae. Intact whole cells ensure that rotifers receive the maximum nutritional benefit from our exceptional feeds, which in turn provides maximum nourishment to your fish. Our feeds also produce clean rotifers that ordinarily do not require washing, so they can be pumped directly into the larval fish tank.

RotiGrow® Grow-Out Feeds

These base feeds are carefully formulated to produce healthy and vigorous rotifers despite high-density, stressful conditions. These feeds are the first step in building HUFA lipid membranes, gut-loading, and achieving optimal nutritional profiles, while limiting harmful bacteria.

Product Information

Product Name Description Dry Weight Storage Shelf Life
RotiGrow OneStep All-In-One Feed and Pre-Enrichment. Eliminates or improves secondary enrichment with high DHA and HUFA levels >14.8% Frozen 1 Year
RotiGrow Plus All-In-One Feed and Pre-Enrichment. Eliminates or improves secondary enrichment with high DHA and HUFA levels >14.8% Frozen 1 Year
RotiGrow Nanno Highest yield feed. Exceptionally clean. High EPA and ARA levels >16.4% Frozen 2 Years
Nanno 3600 Nannochloropsis. Standard feed since 1998. >18% Frozen 2 Years
Chlorella v12 Feed and Pre- Enrichment, produced in Japan. Live microalgae. Perishable.   Refrigerated 20 Days
Rotifer Diet Nanno / Tetraselmis blend. Standard feed since 2001. 18% Frozen 2 Years

Rotifer Production Information

Product Name Typical Cell Count
(see Dry Weight vs Cell Count)
Live Algae Equivalent Type Rotifer Harvest
Wet Weight /
liter of feed
Rotifer Harvest
Count /
liter of Feed**
RotiGrow OneStep     Mix 310 grams 263 Million 32.20%
RotiGrow Plus     Mix 310 grams 263 Million 32.20%
RotiGrow Nanno 62 billion/ml   Non-flagellated Yellow-Green Eustigmatophyceae 375 grams 320 Million 35.60%
Nanno 3600 68 billion/ml 3600 liters @ 19 million cells/ml Non-flagellated Yellow-Green Eustigmatophyceae 350 grams 300 Million 30%
Chlorella v12       265 grams 225 Million 30.50%
Rotifer Diet 55 billion/ml 3600 liters @ 15 million cells/ml Mix 355 grams 305 Million 30.50%

** Using a 165 micron L-Type rotifer

Nutritional Profile of Rotifer by Feeds Used

  Proximates Fatty Acids Lipid Class
Feed Used Protien Lipid DHA EPA ARA HUFAs >Polar lipids Sterols Free fatty acids Tryglicerides
Cod Egg n/a 13.20% 33 18.6 2.2 56.2 71% 9.80% 5.40% 12.50%
RotiGrow Plus 64% 10.50% 17 12 1.9 45 54% 4.50% 5.10% 36%
RotiGrow Nanno 68% 8.90% 0 20 2.8 32 56% 4.20% 5.10% n/a
Nanno 3600 68% 7.80% 0 16 2 30 n/a n/a n/a n/a
Chlorella Super V12 n/a 8.20% 9 5.5 0.5 24 n/a n/a n/a n/a
Rotifer Diet 68% 7.80% 0 15 2 30 n/a n/a n/a n/a

N-Rich® Secondary Enrichment Feeds

Optimal vitamin, lipid and carotenoid enrichment results are achieved from the right combination of base feed, enrichment feed, and duration of enrichment through the use of our proven protocols. N-Rich products increase the HUFA levels of the rotifer to match the nutritional requirements of the fish without stressing the rotifers. N-Rich products are exceptionally clean, effective and easy to use. With natural carotenoids (including astaxanthin) and vitamins, N-Rich products provide broad-spectrum rotifer tissue enrichment, health and nutritional maintenance during cold and warm storage and gut loading.

Product Information

Product Name Description Dry Weight Store Shelf Life Packaging
N-Rich® High Pro Our standard high-protein, high-polar lipid
microalgae blend for enrichment,
gut-loading and rotifer storage maintenance
9% Refrigerated 4 Months 1 quart bottles
& 10 liter bags
N-Rich® PL Plus High-phospholipid, high-protein microalgae
blend for rapid enrichment
9% Refrigerated 4 Months 1 quart bottles
& 10 liter bags
N-Rich® Ultra PL Very high HUFA enrichment 9% Refrigerated 4 Months 1 quart bottles
& 10 liter bags
RotiGrow® Plus All-In-One Feed and pre- enrichment.
Eliminates or reduces secondary
enrichment with high DHA and HUFA levels
10% Frozen 2 Years 1 & 10 liter bags

Nutritional Profile of Rotifer by Feeds Used

Feed Used Protocols Protein1 Lipid1 DHA2 EPA2 ARA2 HUFAs2 Polar lipids3 Sterols3 Free fatty acids3 Triglycerides3
Cod Egg   n/a 13.20% 33 18.6 2.2 56.2 71% 9.80% 5.40% 12.50%
N-Rich® HighPRO 8 hour enrichment protocol from RotiGrow Plus base 64% 14.20% 40 15 2.2 58.5 55.70% 4.30% 4.90% 35.10%
N-Rich® PL Plus 2 hour enrichment protocol from RotiGrow Plus base 65% 12.60% 38 10 2 52 56% 4.20% 5.10% 34.80%
N-Rich® Ultra PL 3 hour enrichment protocol from RotiGrow Nanno or Nanno 3600 base 65% 12.50% 30 17 2.5 51 56% 4.00% 5.00% 35%
RotiGrow® Plus Enrichment profile from culture tank 68% 10.50% 19 12 1.5 45 54% 4.00% 5.90% 36%

1. Percent of dry weight
2. 2mg/g dry weight
3. Percent of Lipids

RotiGreen® Greenwater Feeds

Our Rotigreen® Greenwater Feeds are rich in DHA, EPA and ARA maintain optimum rotifer enrichment in the larval tank, and provide optimum nutrition for gill-feeding larval fish. With excellent suspension in the water column, they help jump-start the digestion of larvae, and reduce “nose bumping” and associated disease. See all of our Greenwater Microalgae Feeds.

Product Information

Product Name Description Dry Weight Store Shelf Life Packaging
Rotigreen® Nanno Nannochloropsis. Traditional greenwater formula, used since 1998. Frozen for long shelf life and easy transportation. Excellent suspension in the water column. Established protocols. >18% Frozen 2 Years 1 quart bottles,
1 liter bags
& 10 liter bags
Rotigreen® Iso Isochrysis formula. Maintains and can improve the DHA/EPA ratio. High carotenoid levels. 9% Refrigerated 4 Months 1 quart bottles
& 10 liter bags
Rotigreen® Omega Balanced DHA/EPA with ARA. Frozen for long shelf life and easy transportation. Excellent suspension in the water column. 17% Frozen 2 Years 1 quart bottles,
1 liter bags
& 10 liter bags


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