Low-Tech Seawater Treatment for Hatcheries—Economical, Effective, and Safe
Among the greatest risks of failure threatening shellfish hatcheries is the danger posed by outbreaks of pathogens, especially Vibrio bacteria and Oyster Herpesviruses, either of which can cause devastating losses during culture of larvae and...

The Case for Concentrates
Bivalve aquaculture production is more dependent on high quality microalgae than any other aquaculture sector. Because bivalves filter-feed almost exclusively on microalgae, the quantity and quality of available microalgae is critical at every life stage,...

Care and Feeding of Bivalve Broodstock
Bivalve aquaculture is increasingly dependent on hatchery production of spat. Environmental disturbances (pollution, ocean acidification, climate change, harmful algae blooms, disease outbreaks) are reducing the reliability of natural spat collection, while the demand for spat...

Microalgae Concentrates Can Overcome the Algae Bottleneck to Increase Yield and Improve Reliability of Bivalve Production
Bivalve aquaculture production is more dependent on high quality microalgae than any other aquaculture sector. Because bivalves filter-feed almost exclusively on microalgae, the quantity and quality of available microalgae is critical at every life stage,...